
Highland and Irish Dancing are two dance forms that are vastly different in terms of style and presentation but they have a common bond in their Celtic heritage and the precision work of the steps. They are both highly skilled and technical dance forms, which afford the dancers a whole host of benefits:-

Cognitive Perception

The dancing plays a significant role in the educating of children as it integrates and nurtures cognitive and motor skills, affective and aesthetic development within each learning experience. Left and right brain development is enhanced by both Highland and Irish dancing as there is logical positioning of feet, hands, and head as well as the creative development of new movements, steps and dances. The dancing helps direct body movement in space and to pace movements to music. Accuracy in timing is important to the brain process responsible for problem solving and reasoning. Something as simple as hopping requires calculations relating to special awareness, balance, intention and timing in the brain's sensorimotor system.


Highland and Irish Dancing provide a good sound platform for developing flexibility, muscular strength, balance and co-ordination. Lung capacity and endurance is increased due to the highly athletic nature of the dance form. Both fine motor and gross motor skills are developed in the learning and performing of intricate Highland and Irish steps, thus improving muscle tone. Good posture is nurtured as this is essential for efficient movement both inside and outside the dance class.

Personal growth and social development

Highland and Irish dancing provide the platform for solo and team dancing, traditional and choreographed steps, dancing for pleasure and competitively as well as shows and exams. Through the above a sense of self-discipline and confidence is developed which places a dancer in a good position when having to deal with interviews and presentations later in life. They gain too, a sense of balance in life as they learn to manage their time to keep commitments in both dance and academics. Socially lifetime friendships are built. When performing in group dances and shows their skills for dealing with people are constantly honed as the dancers learn to recognise similarities and differences among people. As a dancer progresses through the graded dance syllabus at their own pace their self- esteem and self-concept improves along with the development of their dance skills. Team work and team spirit is also fostered

Affective and aesthetic development

Dance is a fundamental form of human expression that evolved with music to generate rhythm - Irish hardshoe is extremely beneficial in this area. Dancing encourages innovation and the use of imagination leading to expression and non-verbal communication. This is instrumental in developing young people’s creative and artistic skills.
Dance is not just about “steps” taught and accolades gained- it gives the tools needed for a successful life journey.

